L' Ashwagandha peut aider votre cerveau, selon Dr Mercola

 De : https://products.mercolamarket.com/ashwagandha/?

Ceci est un article du site commercial de Dr Mercola, proposé accessoirement sur  ce blog , pour sa pertinence ponctuelle

La plante présentée  pourrait , en effet, être appropriée en soutien  aux personnes démoralisées par la situation où l'on se trouve embourbés par les voraces en pouvoir sadique de nous emmerder . 

Cette plante pourrait également être bienvenue  , pour  aider les vaxx , aux cerveaux  attaqués par les spikes, ou embrumés par les fausses informations répétées du roi  et de  ses sbires  uniquement occupés à détruire la santé de la population à soumettre.

Voir donc une présentation de l' Ashwagandha , dont le nom  fait en plus rêver d'ailleurs . 

Par  avance , voici , si besoin un lien sur les éventuelles contre-indications à envisager pour ce produit naturel : https://ileauxepices.com/blog/2020/11/26/ashwagandha-dangers-contre-indications/wpid30354/

Traduction automatique ici : https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=fr&sl=en&tl=fr&u=https://etouffoir.blogspot.com/2022/01/l-ashwagandha-peut-aider-votre-cerveau.html

Gain Serenity, Energy and Mental Clarity Almost Overnight With the Help of the King of the Herbal Kingdom*

It’s not every day I come across an herb so far-reaching in its potential for physical, mental, and emotional health. Some experts have even suggested that Ashwagandha might be the only nutritional support you’d need if stuck on a deserted island! Whether that’s true or not, discover the benefits it may hold for you.

  • Because it acts as a powerful adaptogen, Organic Ashwagandha can help balance the normal function of your organs and systems as well as help your body deal with internal and external stressors.*
  • Our formula includes the entire whole root from ashwagandha for the synergistic effects of all root components, including phytosterols, flavonoids, coumarins and essential oils.
  • The ashwagandha in Organic Ashwagandha is carefully produced by a high-quality manufacturer in India experienced in Ayurvedic traditional practices for optimal benefits.

Do you sometimes...

  • Feel “burned out” and increasingly over-stressed?
  • Notice it’s becoming more difficult to remember names?
  • Crave sweets and junk food because you’re stressed out?
  • Find it difficult to fall asleep or stay asleep at night?
  • Feel blue or anxious?
  • Wake up feeling tired and sluggish, and it lasts much of the day?
  • Feel “wired” and unable to fully relax?
  • Worry about your general health and well-being?
  • Feel concerned over your fading sexual energy?

Stress can affect your body in many unseen – and devious ways. And we all know there is no shortage of stressors in today’s world!

So what can you do to cope?

Regular exercise, meditation, yoga, and emotional freedom techniques (EFT) are all tools I recommend. But sometimes many people feel like they need more...

That’s where ashwagandha – the king of the plant kingdom – comes in. One of the most potent adaptogens I’ve ever seen, this Ayurvedic herb surely belongs on your radar if you sometimes feel like your stressful lifestyle is getting the best of you!

Ashwagandha: Ayurveda’s Flagship Herb

ashwagandha plant
Ashwagandha is the most important plant in Ayurveda practice 

Ashwagandha, also known as Indian ginseng, Withania somnifera, or winter cherry, is a plant that’s been used as a rejuvenative and daily tonic for many centuries.

Referred to as rayasana in the Ayurveda tradition – translated as “herb that rejuvenates” – it’s considered the number one, go-to herb in India’s traditional practice.

What is Ayurveda? Centered around herbs and spices, Ayurveda is an ancient holistic practice. It’s widely recognized as an authoritative source of knowledge and truth in natural health.

Ashwagandha has clearly withstood the test of time in this highly revered system.

A small evergreen perennial herb that grows to about two feet tall, ashwagandha’s light tan roots have been studied the most.

In India, the plants are harvested by hand, roots separated and then processed into a powdered extract. The leaves are traditionally used for tea.

Ashwagandha is a complex herb with many phytochemical constituents. In fact, it’s one of the very few herbs in the world with such a broad scope of phytochemicals. Here are just a few of the substances found in the roots:

  • Alkaloids, including withanine, withananine, and beta-sisterol
  • Steroidal lactones, including withanolides
  • Phytosterols, including stigmasterol and beta-sitosterol
  • Flavonoids, including saponins, sitoindosides and choline 
  • Coumarins, including scopoletin and aesculetin
  • Essential oils, including ipuranol and withaniol

While ashwagandha’s alkaloids and withanolides are two of the most important bioactive constituents, Ayurvedic experts believe that the potential benefits of the roots come from a synergistic effect of all of the components.

Let’s take a look at how ashwagandha works in your body...

How Stress Affects Your Body... and How Ashwagandha May Help

Remember the list of stress effects that we discussed earlier?

adrenal glands
Your adrenal glands sit right above your kidneys 

Many of those concerns are linked to your adrenals, those workhorse endocrine glands located above your kidneys.

When you feel stressed – or even if your body simply perceives a situation as stressful – your adrenal glands release cortisol, your body’s “stress hormone”.

Your adrenal glands also release cortisol when your blood sugar level drops too low, another perceived threat to your well-being.

While cortisol is important for your body’s functions, too high of levels due to stress can cause problems.

High levels of cortisol can:

  • Create an imbalance in your hormones and brain neurotransmitters, possibly leading to poor sleep, anxiety, and moodiness
  • Impact your blood sugar, blood pressure and cholesterol levels, and immune function
  • Increase fat storage (a telltale sign of a cortisol excess can be an increase in fat storage around your mid-center)

Your adrenals perform other jobs, too. They regulate many bodily functions, including metabolism, and they release hormones essential for your physical, mental and emotional well-being.

The good news is, ashwagandha may help your body adapt and help protect against these negative effects of stress and cortisol.*

Could Ashwagandha Help Ease Your Stress and Anxiety?*

If you’re occasionally feeling battered by stress, I think you’ll find these study results intriguing...

In a double-blind study of 64 adults, one group received 300 mg of ashwagandha root extract twice a day for 60 days. The other group received a placebo.

The ashwagandha group experienced numerous benefits, compared to the placebo group:

stress and anxiety group
The ashwagandha group enjoyed less stress and improved social interactions 
  • Had lower levels of cortisol*
  • Scored lower on tests measuring stress, anxiety, and overall well-being (the lower the score, the less stressful effects)*
  • They reported feeling more relaxed and mentally calm*
  • Test scores showed they slept better, felt better physically and emotionally, and enjoyed improved interactions with others*
  • They noticed increased productivity*
  • They reported a “tremendous” improvement in quality of life*

What accounted for all these effects? The researchers believe they are a result of ashwagandha’s ability to regulate serotonin, an important neurotransmitter, and the stress hormone, cortisol.*

Relaxation and an Energy Boost, All from the Same Herb?

ashwagandha as a adaptogen
Adaptogens help your body deal with life’s stressors 

I know what you may be thinking... “How can one herb provide both calming and energizing benefits at the same time?”

The answer is simple: Ashwagandha is an adaptogen, and a potent one at that!

An adaptogen is a substance that helps restore or balance the normal functions of an organ or system. This is turn can help your body deal with internal and external stressors and support your immune system activity.

As an adaptogen, ashwagandha plays a balancing role in your body, and especially helps maintain harmony between your brain and hormone-producing organs.*

Ashwagandha helps balance your brain-adrenal axis as well as your thyroid gland.* You need proper balance in these areas to enjoy optimal adrenal and thyroid health, along with:

  • A positive mood
  • A healthy metabolism
  • Abundant energy
  • An optimally functioning immune system
  • Normal, healthy sexual energy

Adaptogens help your body and mind adapt to stress. When you can resist the harmful effects of stress, you help strengthen your body’s systems and support your nervous system and adrenal health.

And by regaining balance, you can benefit from both greater energy and endurance and calm and focus!

Ashwagandha’s Stunning Ability to Help Support Healthy Brain Cells*

brain's glutathione levels
As you age, your brain's glutathione levels and blood flow decline, increasing the potential for damage to brain cells 

Researchers have discovered that ashwagandha increases an important antioxidant in your body called glutathione.*

Glutathione is essential for healthy cell development and your body’s detoxification processes.

Known as the “master antioxidant”, glutathione is especially needed for cells and tissues that experience lots of wear and tear and come into constant contact with free radicals.

Your brain certainly meets that criteria!

As you age, glutathione levels in your brain and blood flow to the central part of your brain (your hippocampus) decline. These two conditions create a “perfect storm” for damage to your brain cells.

In a recent rat study, researchers found they could raise levels of glutathione in the rats’ brains by feeding them withanalide – one of the key components of ashwagandha that we talked about earlier.*

Because glutathione is a key antioxidant protector that helps guard against the damaging effects of reactive oxygen species (ROS), ashwagandha with its naturally occurring withanalide may help protect your brain cells.*

Could Ashwagandha Potentially Help Your Memory and Mood, Too?*

ashwagandha: memory and mood
By helping to rebuild nerve and brain cell synapses, ashwagandha may help improve your memory* 

Here’s an interesting discovery about ashwagandha...

Researchers don’t believe ashwagandha acts directly on your brain!

Instead, they’ve found that the herb boosts a protein in your liver that enters the bloodstream and travels to your brain. There, it may help clear toxic amyloid plaque that accumulates in your brain.*

Researchers have observed some important brain-supporting effects with ashwagandha extract:

  • It helps slow down the deterioration of brain cells, thus supporting cognitive function*
  • It helps rebuild nerve and brain cell synapses*
  • It helps repair brain cell damage*

So what’s behind ashwagandha’s potential for improving memory?

Researchers suspect that ashwagandha's calming properties may be responsible for its potential memory benefits. Stress, anxiety, and poor sleep can all affect normal cognitive function. So by easing them, memory and cognitive function may improve!*

And because ashwagandha helps ease mental and emotional stress, it may also help improve mood as well.*

What to Look for When Shopping for Ashwagandha

ashwagandha root powder
My Organic Ashwagandha whole root powder contains no fillers 

As with any herb, quality matters. And with herbs, quality varies wildly. Choosing the least expensive brand off the shelf can be a big mistake if you want a high-quality product.

When buying ashwagandha, make sure it meets these criteria:

  • Contains only 100% organic ingredients – Contains organic ashwagandha root
  • Includes the entire ashwagandha root –  Ayurvedic experts believe that the potential benefits come from a synergistic effect of all of its components
  • Comes free from fillers, additives, and excipients – Avoids fillers and unnecessary additives and lubrication flow agents that are only used to make the capsules or tablets cheaper to produce
  • Produced by an organic manufacturer steeped in traditional Ayurvedic practice in unison with high-quality organic and safe production processes, including...

    • Using the whole herb for “whole food” benefits
    • Selectively using only live organic herbs
    • Promoting the use of organic fertile soil by avoiding the use of harsh conventional chemicals

To find an organic manufacturer that’s truly steeped in traditional Ayurvedic practice, it only makes sense to go to the heart of Ayurveda – India – for our ashwagandha.

Introducing... Organic Ashwagandha – Direct from India

organic ashwagandha

Our Organic Ashwagandha is made for us by the experts – a high-quality manufacturer in India who knows Ayurvedic tradition.

Made from the whole root powder, our Organic Ashwagandha meets all our criteria for a top-tier product:

  • Is made with organic ashwagandha powder
  • Contains the whole root
  • Comes packed in vegetarian capsules
  • Avoids fillers and additives

And it’s produced by an organic manufacturer who is knowledgeable of traditional Ayurvedic practice and who greatly values soil integrity!

If you want what we believe to be one of the top adaptogenic herbs, and you want a high quality herb you can trust, go with Organic Ashwagandha.

Not an Isolated Extract, Our Whole Root Organic Ashwagandha Gently Nourishes

Different from isolated extracts, our whole root Organic Ashwagandha was designed by nature to gently nourish and help enhance the health of your “whole” body.* And it’s been doing just that for countless individuals for thousands of years!*

So, if you’d like to help “take your life back” and feel...

  • Refreshed and better able to handle everyday stress*
  • More energetic and alert in the morning and throughout the day*
  • In greater control of your eating with fewer unhealthy cravings*
  • More relaxed and able to unwind*
  • Good about your renewed sexual energy*
  • Better rested because you’re sleeping more soundly *
  • Sharper, more productive, and better able to remember names*



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