La syncope post-vaccinale et son coût
De : Traduction automatique ici : Another Unaccounted Expense of the Flu Vaccine Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola Story at-a-glance Matt Gleason, a healthy 30-something from North Carolina, received a “free” flu shot at his workplace, then fainted five minutes later He came to quickly but his colleagues called 911 just in case; paramedics transported him to a nearby hospital by ambulance He received an electrocardiogram, chest X-ray and blood and urine tests; everything came back normal but he was billed nearly $4,700 in ER costs While fainting itself is rarely serious, it can lead to fall-related injuries that can cause significant injury and death The CDC recommends that vaccine providers observe patients for 15 minutes after vaccination to prevent fainting-related injuries; however, it’s unclear how often t...