Une fois la 5G installée, vous ne pourrez pas vous en débarrasser
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Pandemic Bill Mandate Accelerated 5G Rollout
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Story at-a-glance
- The Secure 5G and Beyond Act (S. 893) and the Broadband Deployment Accuracy and Technological Availability Act (S. 1822) were signed into law in March 2020
- The duo will accelerate the adoption of 5G, or “5th Generation,” wireless networks across the U.S. — and in so doing, force Americans to receive unprecedented levels of exposure to the millimeter wave (MMW)
- The COVID-19 pandemic is causing unprecedented numbers of Americans to work and communicate digitally, accelerating the push for widespread 5G networks
- The U.S. government banned the use of Chinese components in the U.S. 5G network because of surveillance fears, but privacy concerns remain
- Once installed, you won’t be able to opt out of 5G exposure, so it’s important to voice your concerns to your local officials and vote for those who will protect communities and fight for citizens’ health and safety
From Dr. Joseph Mercola
Since COVID-19 first entered the scene, exchange of ideas has basically been outlawed. By sharing my views and those from various experts throughout the pandemic on COVID treatments and the experimental COVID jabs, I became a main target of the White House, the political establishment and the global cabal.
Propaganda and pervasive censorship have been deployed to seize control over every part of your life, including your health, finances and food supply. The major media are key players and have been instrumental in creating and fueling fear.
I am republishing this article in its original form so that you can see how the progression unfolded.
Originally published: April 16, 2020
In March 2020, with the U.S. reeling from the COVID-19 pandemic, the Secure 5G and Beyond Act (S. 893) and the Broadband Deployment Accuracy and Technological Availability Act (S. 1822) were signed into law.
The duo will accelerate the adoption of 5G, or “5th Generation,” wireless networks across the U.S. — and in so doing, force Americans to receive unprecedented levels of exposure to the millimeter wave (MMW), which has shown potential to harm human health and the environment.
The 5G act requires the president to develop a strategy to ensure the security of 5G mobile telecommunications systems and infrastructures in the U.S., while assisting “allies and strategic partners” to maximize the security of such systems.1
The Broadband act requires the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to issue rules regarding data collection to ultimately improve the accuracy of maps showing where broadband is available in the U.S.2
What’s more, the 5G Act requires the president to consult with the FCC, the Department of Homeland Security, the Department of Defense and other agencies and submit a plan to Congress within 180 days detailing how secure 5G will be implemented.
With millions of Americans suddenly working remotely, it’s an opportune time for regulators to move 5G forward — but it’s a move that has many experts concerned. Still, the legislation is moving forward under the guise of bringing faster internet to Americans, at any cost. The House Energy and Commerce Committee, which is led by chairman Frank Pallone, Jr., said in a statement:3
“The bills signed into law ... by the President are critical to ensuring that all Americans can access broadband and that our networks are secure and trusted. The need for connectivity is even more critical now that millions of Americans are teleworking and learning from home in response to the coronavirus pandemic.
We must prepare our networks for the 5G future and ensure federal agencies work together on a comprehensive plan to identify and address security risks in 5G and future wireless technologies — the Secure 5G and Beyond Act requires exactly that ...
It’s also long past time to fix our nation’s faulty broadband maps. Accurately mapping unserved and underserved communities is essential to promoting the deployment of high-speed service to all Americans and ensuring our investments have maximum impact. The Broadband DATA Act will help tremendously with those efforts ...”
Does EMF Exposure Raise Coronavirus Risk?
In the interview above, Brian Hoyer — one of the primary consultants for my latest book, “EMF*D” — discusses how electromagnetic field (EMF) radiation may be impacting the COVID-19 epidemic and your infection risk. Many have raised questions about whether there is a connection between 5G and this pandemic.
While unproven, one current theory is that EMF radiation — and the addition of 5G in particular — could be having an impact. Hoyer cites data from Arthur Firstenberg’s book, “The Invisible Rainbow,”4 in which he catalogued epidemiological evidence showing that as electrification of the world was implemented, throughout the course of history, viral pandemics ensued.
To put it simply, poor immune function and ill health combined with environmental stressors such as heightened EMF exposure might create a perfect storm where the virus has an easy way to get into the body and can reproduce faster.
Smaller 5G Wavelengths Pose Unprecedented Risk
In the video below — “5G Beware,” created by Greater Earth Media — three experts discuss the pitfalls of rolling out 5G technology before its effects on humans and the environment are understood. Unlike the “4th Generation” (4G) technology currently in use, which relies on huge 90-foot cell towers with about a dozen antenna ports on each, the 5G system uses “small cell” facilities or bases, each with about 100 antenna ports each.5
Expected to be 10 to 100 times faster than 4G technology and capable of supporting at least 100 billion devices,6 5G relies primarily on the MMW bandwidth, which is between 30GHz and 300GHz, according to EMF coach and author Lloyd Burrell.7
“MMWs ... do not travel well through buildings and they tend to be absorbed by rain and plants. This interferes with the signal. Added to this, high frequency waves like MMWs also have much shorter wavelengths that can’t travel far,” he says.
“To counter this problem 5G will utilize smaller cell stations (and the technology of beamforming) that’ll scramble/unscramble and redirect packets of data on a no-interference path back to us. This could mean wireless antennas on every lamp post, utility pole, home and business throughout entire neighborhoods, towns and cities,” Burrell explains,8 and herein lies one of its greatest potential problems — and threats to public health.
In “5G Beware,” Atul Deshmane, commissioner of Whatcom County Public Utility District in Washington state, walks down the street with an EMF meter, which shows EMF levels “way above the safe limit” with 4G technology. “If 5G increases this by an order of magnitude, maybe that’s something to be concerned about,” he says.

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Jon Humphrey, a music educator in Bellingham, Washington who has decades of professional IT experience, compared the telecommunications industry to Big Tobacco, stating that 5G technology is our generation’s tobacco. “As usual, 5G, like 4G and 3G before it, is mostly a marketing term and most of what you’re being told isn’t accurate,” Humphrey says.9
The antennae enclosures added to utility poles and lamp posts may not only be eye sores, including antennae enclosures that are up to 6 cubic feet each, but also pose a very real threat to public health. While MMWs have not been widely used before, there are some concerning findings to date, according to Telecom Power Grab, including that sweat ducts in human skin act as antennae when they come in contact with MMWs.10
Dr. Linda Goggin, of Feel Good Functional Medicine in Bellingham, also warns in the film that 5G technology will turn us all into lab rats, part of a giant experiment, as no one knows what 5G will do to human health:
“We are in our infancy in terms of our understanding of what electromagnetic fields do to the body. And we’re wondering if it is a problem. We function because of moving currents in our body. That’s a basic principle.
Nerves function because of the shifts in movement of electric charge. The structure of the water in our body is very important for normal function and that also is affected by charge coming from outside the body. This whole field of the electromagnetic spectrum affects us ... It’s got to be studied by scientists.”
5G Connection in Areas Hardest Hit by COVID-19
Interestingly, many of the areas hardest hit by COVID-19 have recently implemented 5G, which might render residents more prone to serious infection by lowering their immune function. Hoyer cited Dr. Thomas Cowan, who brought up a potential connection between 5G and COVID-19 during a March 12, 2020, lecture at the Health and Human Rights Summit in Tucson, Arizona.
While I’m not saying 5G spreads the infection or is a vector of infection, it’s possible that it raises your risk by impairing your innate immune system’s ability to fight off coronavirus. According to Hoyer:
“[Cowan] is a top-notch doctor, he's on the cutting edge ... he talks about Wuhan as one of the testing grounds for 5G, where 5G was first implemented in China. And what's interesting about Italy ... is that Milan — the Lombardi area of Italy where two-thirds of the cases are — is considered the 5G capital of the European Union according to Vodafone, which is the big 5G carrier out there ...
If you go on Vodafone's website, you can see the 5G map, and it's sprinkled throughout all Milan and Lombardi, that province up there. So that is definitely a more concentrated area.
... So, there's 5G in Milan, in Wuhan, and New York City is one of the highest, most intense [5G] areas I've seen, and Seattle ... But 5G doesn't matter so much to me. It's about the intensity of the EMF. New York was basically as intense as a 5G area already, before 5G was implemented, in my opinion. It maxes out all of our meters wherever I go. There are hidden antennas everywhere in New York City.
[Seattle] has a lot of hills in the city, and right on Queen Anne, there are two huge radio towers with probably 100 antennas on them, just blasting the whole city. We've had assessments there where we've maxed out [our meters], and even shielded rooms upstairs and it still maxed out.”
US Government Spending $9.7 Billion for 5G C-Band Spectrum
Part of the U.S. government’s plan to fast-track the 5G rollout is an offer of $9.7 billion in compensation payments to satellite operators to give up their C-band spectrum licenses.
The C-band spectrum (from the 3.7GHz to 4.2GHz band) is currently used by satellite operators but is desirable for the telecom industry as, according to news outlet CommsMEA, “It blends the ability to deliver hyperfast download speeds in excess of 1Gbps with much improved propagation ranges, when compared to higher frequency spectrums.”11
In a statement, the FCC called this a “critical step in implementing our comprehensive 5G FAST Plan, as it will rapidly put mid-band spectrum into the hands of innovators and consumers and pave the way for the United States to lead the world in 5G deployment.”12
US Banned Chinese Components Over Fears of Espionage
Privacy issues are another concern. Already, the U.S. government banned the use of Chinese components in the U.S. 5G network because of surveillance fears.13 Further, U.S. companies have also been banned from selling computer chips to Huawei Technologies Co., which is producing 5G base stations, citing national security concerns. According to Bloomberg:14
“US officials accuse Huawei of stealing valuable intellectual property and violating a trade embargo with Iran. The Trump administration blacklisted the company last year, saying there’s a risk Huawei could give Beijing access to sensitive data coursing through telecommunications networks that employ its gear.
Huawei has denied the allegations. Critics also said the US government imposed the sanctions to hobble China’s leadership in key aspects of 5G technology.”
The ban hasn’t stopped Huawei, however, which has continued to produce base stations without U.S. components. As of February 2020, Huawei had shipped about 600,000 base stations to mobile phone companies.15 China has also been fast-tracking their 5G networks and planned to activate more than 130,000 base stations by the end of 2019 in order to support its 5G network.16
Now, with people using technology to communicate digitally instead of face-to-face, virtually all communication is being sent through networks manufactured by China. If backdoors used for surveillance are built into 5G base stations, the tracking and surveillance that could result would be unprecedented in scope. According to Humphrey, however, even the race with China to roll out 5G is all smoke and mirrors. He states:17
“We can’t keep up with China on networking including with 5G. Why? Because China manufactures most of the fiber-optic cabling in the world. Fiber isn’t expensive here [in the U.S.], and it’s even less expensive in China. Small cells, like the ones used in 5G, have to be hooked up to fiber-optic cabling and since China installs their fiber in a public manner they can leverage it for use in the most efficient, cost-effective manner possible.”
Humphrey also states in “5G Beware” that the U.S. is far behind most of the rest of the developed world because it doesn’t have public fiber optics. While it’s sometimes said that 5G will ultimately replace fiber optics, Humphrey says this is laughable, since 5G requires fiber optics. “Fiber optics is safe,” he says, “it just carries light. You might as well just hook directly up to the fiber and have a choice in how much EMF exposure you’re getting.”
You Won’t Have a Choice to Opt Out, so What Can You Do?
Once it’s installed in your neighborhood, you won’t have a choice to opt out of 5G exposure. “5G will be virtually everywhere, with the options of being able to simply “get away from it” being very limited as millions of small cell devices are rolled out,” Humphrey says.18
As for lowering your EMF exposure, you can download a free chapter from my book, “EMF*D,” that summarizes most of the major recommendations.
- 1 WhiteHouse.gov March 23, 2020
- 2 CNet March 24, 2020
- 3 Benton Institute for Broadband & Society March 23, 2020
- 4 Amazon, The Invisible Rainbow, Arthur Firstenbery
- 5, 6, 7, 8 Electric Sense May 12, 2017
- 9 Northwest Citizen October 20, 2018
- 10 Phys Med Biol. 2011 Mar 7;56(5):1329-39
- 11 ITP.net. March 2, 2020
- 12 FCC News February 28, 2020
- 13 CNBC March 20, 2020
- 14, 15 Bloomberg March 2, 2020
- 16 BBC News November 1, 2019
- 17, 18 NW Citizen October 20, 2018
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