L' écriture manuelle stimule le cerveau et la réussite scolaire
https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2025/01/04/handwriting-boosts-brain-power.aspx Traduction automatique ici : https://translate.google.com/website?sl=hl&en=fr&hl=fr&u=https://etouffoir.blogspot.com/2025/01/l-ecriture-manuelle-stimule-le-cerveau.html Handwriting Boosts Brain Power and Learning Success Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola 4 janvier 2025 Story at-a-glance Handwriting with a pen or digital pen shows greater learning progress compared to typing, as it enhances memory retention and comprehension through the N400 priming effect, which is a measure of brain activity linked to language processing Positive mood during handwriting activities contributes to better learning outcomes, as it facilitates semantic processing and creates a conducive learning environment Handwriting activates brain regions associated with reading and writing, such as the fusiform gyrus, ...